Crystalyx PreCalver

Crystalyx PreCalver

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£29.75 (+VAT)
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Crystalyx Pre-Calver is perfect for feeding to both dairy and beef cows during the dry period, as it provides a low calcium/high magnesium diet which greatly reduces the risk of milk fever and slow calving. The increased levels of magnesium contained in Crystalyx Pre-Calver helps improve muscle tone. Inadequate levels can lead to slow calving syndrome where calving can be difficult and prolonged.


Crystalyx Pre-Calver is perfect for feeding to both dairy and beef cows during the dry period, as it provides a low calcium/high magnesium diet which greatly reduces the risk of milk fever and slow calving. The increased levels of magnesium contained in Crystalyx Pre-Calver helps improve muscle tone. Inadequate levels can lead to slow calving syndrome where calving can be difficult and prolonged.

Dry Cow Feeding: Many dry cows receive no special attention during this most important period and are often expected to graze pasture in a cleaning up role. For a small investment in Pre-Calver the forage diet can be supplemented to ensure there are no nutritional deficiencies and help the dry cow to recover to optimum condition prior to calving.

Research carried out in New Zealand showed that giving access of Crystalyx Pre-Calver to dairy cows significantly reduced the incidences of milk fever, mastits and the need for assisted calving.

Research undertaken at the University or Parma has shown that Pre-Calver substantially increases colostrum quality, with a 14% increase in milk yield being recorded over the first 100 days.

  • Optimises performance by stimulating forage intakes and digestibility while providing all essential mineral, trace elements and vitamins
  • Maintains optimum blood magnesium levels to reduce the risk of milk fever and ‘slow calving’s
  • Supports and maintains a strong, healthy immune system
  • Optimises calf health and vigour (more ‘get up and go’)
  • Reduces the risk of difficult calving’s and retained placenta
  • Conditions cows during the dry period to maintain optimum health so they transition more easily into lactation


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